The Client
A large and growing company, which mainly has a remote workforce, responds to their clients’ needs and handles large fluctuations of staff levels in short periods of time – sometimes within just 24 hours.
The company needed to make sure:
- Equipment was delivered to remote-working staff across the UK.
- Staff could access the right systems to start work ASAP.
- If there was a problem with any staff’s tech, they’d be able to get a new piece of equipment fast.
- Any faulty equipment was collected, repaired and returned to the company’s stock.
- If an employee left, the equipment could be easily collected and returned.
The Challenge
The IT team was dealing with:
- 1000s of remote-working staffs’ IT-related problems.
- All IT-related questions and requests.
- The responsibility of sending out equipment.
- Staff receiving items that were damaged or hadn’t arrived.
- Tech that couldn’t be tracked.
- New staff unable to start work as they’d not received any/correct equipment.
- Equipment being delivered to the wrong places.
- Less than 50% return rate of faulty/ex-employee’s equipment.
- Lost equipment.
Resulting in:
- £1,000s spent on extra equipment.
- Huge costs in downtime.
- Extra resources needed by the IT team to try and handle the problem.
BornGood’s Hardware as a Service offering takes care of this. We hold stock & Image for the Company.
BornGood have handled over 5,000 requests for the Company and taken away the problems they were experiencing. Not only that we run a continuous improvement programme that identifies enhancements in the service.
By overachieving our SLA we actually delivered savings in excess of £120,000 last year by reducing colleague downtime.
In addition to this, a further saving of £140,000 was delivered by our Asset Recovery system – returning equipment to the Company’s stockholding for future use.
A colleague who WFH accidentally damaged a critical piece of equipment and is unable to work.
The Solution: Repair
- 9.43am: Colleague damages laptop and reports it to their IT team, who then requests BornGood’s Repair service on the Portal.
- 10am: BornGood receives the high-priority request.
- 10.40am: Replacement laptop is packed, labelled and quality inspected ready for dispatch. The colleague is sent an email and text notification.
- 12pm: Company is given full tracking info and dispatch details confirmation on the Portal.
- 3pm: Item is collected and geotag photo is taken as proof of collection.
- 5.17pm: Laptop tracked into the local distribution hub and shipped overnight to the destination depot.
- 4.13am: Arrives at the local depot.
- 6.58am: On the local vehicle for delivery. The colleague is sent an email and text notification of a delivery time slot.
- 9.07am: Replacement laptop is delivered to the colleague to get back to work. Geotagged photo is taken as proof of delivery and collection, and faulty laptop is collected to be returned to BornGood next day for reprocessing.
- The returned laptop is data sanitised using HMG 5 Standard, assessed, repaired and returned to stockholding for future use.
The company struggled to get a laptop from an ex-employee for months, not being able to agree on a suitable collection process and date from their home.
The Solution: Recover
- The company logs the ex-colleague’s details on the Portal who has a laptop and monitor that needs to be recovered.
- An email and text is sent to the ex-colleague to guide them through the simple collection process on their phone or PC.
- The calendar booking process lets the ex-colleague choose a suitable collection date.
- They confirm their collection details, a message is sent, and the collection is scheduled into their calendar.
- The collection is booked with a courier and the ex-colleague is sent an email and text on the collection day to track the courier.
- The courier makes the collection with a box provided and a photo is taken at the doorstep.
- The laptop and monitor is valued, received at BornGood the next day, data sanitised and restocked.
The company won a contract that required 200 more employees – a big ramp up of employees above their standard level. The contract depended on their ability to deliver the required coverage, so it was important that their equipment was delivered to various addresses, ready for each colleague to start their induction training within five days.
The Solution: Deliver
- Day 1: Using refurbished laptops from BornGood’s existing stock, we started the process and then obtained 150 more laptops from our network of suppliers for next day delivery.
- Day 2: Laptops are received and processed in the workshop where they’re data sanitised using HMG 5 Standard, asset tagged to identify each one, and imaged to the customer’s specification.
- Day 3: The reconditioned laptops are transferred to the packing team, going through a 15-point cleaning and refurbishment system.
- Day 4: Quality control goes through a 12-point checklist for each laptop, where they’re photographed, final sealed, boxed and labelled in specialist packaging for dispatch at 3pm.
- Day 5: 200 laptops are delivered to various addresses by 10am, which have been easily tracked through the Portal.
The Result
- 5,000+ IT problems handled and resolved
- Round-the-clock service improvement programme
- £535,000 saved with equipment returned correctly
- £503,625 saved in equipment purchases
- £58,720 saved in reducing staff downtime above performance SLA
- £73,755 worth of postage was saved